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Ceiling-fan25 • 2 years ago


5:00 Oh this guy is definitely planning to kill that other guy using that fishing rod and Kogoro joining in would ruin his plan I'm calling it

9:01 Why the hell is he asking for an ambulance when the guy is dead
Oh wait.. it's for the other guy.. I'm stupid nvm

I'm right again I need to stop
Ok but why'd he even set it up on the side perpendicular to the wire instead of parallel to it?? Like he's just making it harder on himself

LesK • 2 years ago

it's the measurements between the side of the ship, the melted wire, the length of the rod, the shape and length of the bow of the ship, where the 'house' starts on deck, and the 'big box thing' that Conan backed up into while trying to reenact the accident. taking a few steps backwards from the rail while you've got a fish on your line is normal. but Conan ran into that big box on deck. so, the killer set up the cutter and hook in the side of the ship more forwards on the deck. then he starts pulling backwards parallel to the railing, slowly pulling the line over the rail towards the cutter. he calls for help and the future corpse gets behind him and pulls on the rod too. when the line cut the killer pushes the rod even further back and up along with shoving the dead-guy backwards to get closer to the wire. once the rod hit the wire the dead guy would still be falling back and the killer fell atop the corpse with both of them holding the rod. like i said, it's all about measuring the distances and angles.

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago

“The future dead corpse“ idk why that sounded funny

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago

01:40 my favorite scene/animation this episode ✨Crow✨
02:04 by the looks of it it looks like the guy with the rod is going to get murderd. And there’s bound to be a fishing line involved. And just because the maid had the extra fishing rod she is going to be the biggest suspect to me.
06:12 everyone is distracted by the fireworks. Now is the best possible chance to kill.
08:10 no he has chain markings on his neck.
13:47 hmm so we know he’s a smoker. So he has a lighter on him. He could burn the plastic away, then by hooking up the fishing hook to the ship and adding something sharp like the shard Conan hurt himself with with the pink thing sticking out when he took out his cigarette pack. I would guess those are gloves. Plastic gloves, and they are not conductive. So let me tell you my scenario. The culprit takes out some bait (using gloves) then he puts it on the fishing rod. Leaning over he “sees“ something while in reality setting up the trap.🪤 then while the victim is distracted by the fireworks the culprit says they catched something. The culprit while “struggling“ to catch the fish walks towards the shard. The wire snaps and they fall over. The victim who doesn’t have any gloves on is shocked to death, but just in case the culprit made the bucket fall over and made the victim wet. Thats my theory/ deductions. The gloves should still be in his pocket since there are to many cops inside the boat. And Conan is on the deck he would notice if someone threw something into the ocean.
21:18. just contact the police and tell them that you suspect someone is trying to kill you. Problem fixed plus no sentence.

Satilinethejay • 10 months ago

5:22 and 5:31 , Conan doesn't care what they're talking about, he's just there for the kaarage lol. Did they really just go back to eating dinner after the murderer was caught, how? That would be so awkward.

dark flame master • 1 year ago

this one is easy

strange guy • 1 year ago

We never had moving boat case in this show so glad this exists

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago

But it reused some old tricks and gave us to many hints.

strange guy • 4 months ago

I just didn’t have that much to say about this episode

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago


strange guy • 4 months ago

Not saying this episode is bad though

OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago


strange guy • 4 months ago


OPWOLEZ • 4 months ago

Yea fine

strange guy • 4 months ago


strange guy • 4 months ago

Got it

sally • 2 years ago

Why did he hide only one of the gloves?

plutoxoxo • 2 months ago

eating out while driving on a boat & watching the sunset and the scenery is also very beautiful??? oh and the fireworks too????? this is such an amazing experience i wish i could live this for one day!

strange guy • 1 year ago

Almost to episode 300

Hawt Sauce • 1 year ago


bari • 2 years ago


strange guy • 1 year ago

Actually didn’t get it right this time

bari • 1 year ago

woah did not expect that

strange guy • 1 year ago

This episode was pretty hard